Monday, October 13, 2008

Credit Cards??

Now, what comes to your mind when you think of credit cards? Well, to some people it means having alot of extra cash that doesn't belong to us, at that moment, but we have an option to spend it. If decided to spend the money issued on that credit card, you must now take initiative, that it's yours. I know you're wondering, " what does she mean by that" well I'm going to let you know the ins and outs of all of these wonderful credit cards and the offers that comes along.
When signing up with any credit card offer you must read the full terms ( in person or on computer) before accepting the offer.
The main thing that you want to look for in these offers are LOW INTEREST RATES. Yes, this determines how much you are going to pay that company (credit card) back on each dollar that you spend. For example, you don't want to have to pay $50 just because you spent $25 but, you will if you decide to have an interest rate of 8% or more. Remember, low is what we're aiming for!
Then you want to make sure that there won't be any increase in your rates after a few months because, they will try to trap you in believing that you have a fixed rate(stays the same the whole term), when in reality , its variable(changes). Also, make sure you know and fully understand the rates for balance transfers, purchases, and cash advances are sometimes DIFFERENT. They will try and trick you by only telling you one rate, but I know next time you'll be prepared. This is very VITAL when signing up for a credit card offer!
When signing up for a credit card never initiate it over the phone. That means submitting your personal information over the phone to a customer service representative. The reason I say that, is because you will never receive the full details of your credit card offer. Just please remember, there are always hidden terms in your contract or offer, so pay close attention.
Consumers with more than 2 payday loans may be stuck in what is known as the payday loan trap. Help is available to combine payday loans into one affrodable payment. Apply Now! Credit cards could also help erase any major loans or payday loans that you have open in which, could help raise your credit score.

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